My dear Ana,

I didn't read it all - I confess - because of my own struggle with PCOS while trying to get pregnant with an asexual partner for five years now.

Still, I read it with caution, as you suggested. I skipped the parts that made my anxiety spike a little, always with how much I care and wish you well on my mind.

As you know well, there is that portuguese saying that tells us "The sun comes after the tempest", and I am SO relieved to know that, after all you've all been through, you will be okay, with your two miracle warriors and your so supporting partner.

I also learnt things that I will keep forever in my mind with your letter, and that is that everything in life has a right time. Everything we go through has a purpose, even though sometimes we might not know what it is yet. I will remember that and keep it close to my heart, with all the rollercoaster of feelings and thoughts I had over these past years, about myself as a woman, as a person, about my future and what is or isn't really important for me to feel happy.

Thank you for sharing, and thank you for your strengh.

Be well and best wishes,

Your friend, Ana

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My dear, your comment brought tears to my eyes. You're so brave, thank you for sharing a bit of your battles with us. It means so much to me and I'm sure it will mean the world to other readers who stumble upon this post in this little corner of the internet.

Huge hugs, I'll keep your story in my heart as well 🤎 let's move forward together, as the strong and brave warriors we already are

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